European Campus


 Study in
 Czech Republic
      Czech Republic
      Czech RepUBLIC
      Czech RepUBLIC
      Czech Republic

STUDY IN CZECH REPUBLIC - Embassies & Consulates

List of Embassies and Consulates


Embassy of Afghanistan in Czech Republic 
Nakazance 634/7, Troja, 17100, Praha 7
Telephone: +420 2 3354 4228
Fax: +420 2 3345 2009

Embassy of Albania in Czech Republic 
Kaprova 42/14, 110 00, Praha 1, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 233 370 594
Fax: +420 233 313 655

Embassy of Algeria in Czech Republic 
V Tisine 10/483, PO BOX 204, 160 01 Prague, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 233 101 770
Fax: +420 233 371 147 / 4

Angolan Consulate in Brno in Czech Republic 
ul. Hlinky 110 603 00, Brno, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 602 710 122
Fax: +420 543 124 310

Embassy of Argentina in Czech Republic 
Panska 6, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 224 212 449
Fax: +420 222 241 246

Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in the Czech Republic 
Na Pískách 1411/95, 160 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 220 518 175
Fax: +420 220 517 686

Australian Consulate in Czech Republic 
6th Floor, Solitaire Bldg, Klimentska ul. 10, Prague 110 00 - 1, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 221 729 260
Fax: +420 296 578 352

Embassy of Austria in Czech Republic 
Viktora Huga 10 , 15115 Prague 5 - Sm 'chov, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 257 090 511
Fax: +420 257 316 045

Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Czech Republic 
Na Zatorce 783/17, Praha 6, 160 00 , Czech Republic
Telephone: + 420 246032422
Fax: + 420 246032423


Embassy of Belarus in Czech Republic 
ul. Sadky 626, 171 00 Praha 7, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 233 540 899
Fax: +420 233 540 925

Embassy of Belgium in Czech Republic 
Valdstejnska 6, Mala Strana, 118 01 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 257 533 524
Fax: +420 257 533 750

Consulate of Belize in Czech Republic 
Silurska 1006/5, 152 00 Praha 5--Barrandov, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 602 628 533
Fax: +420 257 532 263

Embassy of Bosnia- Herzegovina in Czech Republic 
Opletalova 27, 110 00 Prague, Czech Republic
Telephone: : +420 22 44 22 510
Fax: +420 22 22 10 183

Embassy of Brazil in Czech Republic 
PANSKÁ 5, 11000, PRAHA 1, Prague, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 224 321 910
Fax: +420 224 312 901

Bulgarian Embassy in Czech Republic 
Praha 1, ul. Krakovska 6, Prague, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 2222 10 230
Fax: +420 2222 11 728


Embassy of Canada in Czech Republic 
Muchova 6, Prague, Czech Republic, 160 00
Telephone: +420 272 101 800
Fax: +420 272 101 890

Embassy of Chile in Czech Republic 
U. Vorliku 623/4; , 16000 Praha 6
Telephone: +420 2 2431 5064
Fax: +420 2 2431 6069

Chinese Embassy in Czech Republic 
Pelleova 18, 16000 Prague 6 - Bubenec
Telephone: +420 224311323
Fax: +420 224319888

Embassy of Costa Rica in Czech Republic 
Embassy of Costa Rica Hellichova 458 / , 1 118 00 Praha 1 Czech Republic
Telephone: +420-257310582
Fax: +420 257310582

Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Czech Republic 
V Pruhledu 9, 162 00 Praha 6, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 235 090 801
Fax: +420 233 343 464

Embassy of Cuba in Czech Republic 
Sibirske nam 1, 160 00 Prague, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 233 322 175 
Fax: 233 341 029

Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Czech Republic 
Pod Hradbami 9, 160 00 Praha 6, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 224316833
Fax: +420 224317529


Royal Danish Embassy in Czech Republic 
P.O.Box 25, Maltezske Namesti 5, 118 01 Prague 1, Mala Strana
Telephone: +420 257 531 600
Fax: +420 257 531 410

Dominican Republic Embassy in Czech Republic 
Telephone: +420 22 4872132
Fax: +420 22 4872134



Ecuadorian Consulate in Czech Republic 
Verdunská 27 , 160 00 Praha 6
Telephone: +420 22 4325144

Embassy of Egypt in Czech Republic 
Pelleova 14, Bubenec, 160 00 Prague 6
Telephone: +420 224 311 506
Fax: +420 224 311 157

Embassy of Estonia in Prague 
Na Kampe 1 , 118 00 Prague , Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 257 011 180
Fax: +420 257 011 181


Embassy of Finland in Czech Republic 
Hellichova 1, 11800 Prague 1
Telephone: +420 2511 77251
Fax: +420 2511 77241

Embassy of France in Czech Republic 
Velkoprevorske Namesti 2, 11801 Prague 1 , Mala Strana
Telephone: +420 251 17 17 11
Fax: +420 251 17 17 20


Embassy of Georgia in Czech Republic 
Malostranske nam. 5/28, Praha 1, 118 00
Telephone: +420 233 311 749
Fax: + 420 233 311 752

German Embassy in Czech Republuc 
Vlasska 19, Mala Strana, Prague
Telephone: +420 2 57 11 31 11
Fax: +420 2 57 53 40 56

Embassy of Ghana in Czech Republic 
V Tisine 4, Prague 6
Telephone: +420 373058/59

Embassy of Greece in Czech Republic 
Helenska 2, Prague 2, TK12000
Telephone: +420 2 22250943
Fax: 222 53686


Embassy of the Republic of Hungary in Czech Republic 
160 00 Praha 6 , Pod Hradbami 17, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 233 324 454
Fax: +420 233 322 104


Embassy of India in Czech Republic 
Valdstejnska 6, 11800, 1
Telephone: +420 257533490 93
Fax: +420 257533378

Embassy of Indonesia in Czech Republic 
Nad Budankami II/7, Praha 5 Smichov, 150 21, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 25721 4388
Fax: +20 25721 2105

Embassy of The Republic of Iraq in Czech Republic 
10 Na zatorce, 16000 Prague 6
Telephone: +420 224326977

Embassy of Ireland in Czech Republic 
Velvyslanectv Irska, Trziste 13, 118 00
Telephone: +420 257 530 061
Fax: +420 257 531 387

Embassy of Israel in Czech Republic 
Badeniho 2, 170 06 Prague 7
Telephone: +420 233 097 500
Fax: +420-233 097 519

Embassy of Italy in Czech Republic 
Nerudova, 20
Telephone: +420 2 3308 0111
Fax: +420 2 5753 1522


Jamaican Consulate in Czech Republic 
Onrickova 7, 130 00 Praha 3, Czech Republic
Telephone: 222 727 041
Fax: +420 222 727 041

Embassy of Japan in Czech Republic 
Maltezske namesti 6, Praha 1-Mala Strana, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 2 5753 3546
Fax: +420 2 5753 2377


Embassy of Kazakhstan in Czech Republic 
160 00 Praha 6, ul. Romaina Rolanda 12
Telephone: +420 233 375 642
Fax: +420 233 371 019

Embassy of the State of Kuwait 
Na Zátorce 26, 16000 Prague 6, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 20570781/2/3
Fax: +420 20570787


Embassy of Latvia in Czech Republic 
3 Hradeshinska Str., P.O., Box 54, 10100 Prague 10, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 255 700 881
Fax: +420 255 700 880

Embassy of Lebanon in Czech Republic 
Lazarsk 6, 120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 224 930 495,
Fax: +420 224 934 534

Embassy of Lithuania in Czech Republic 
Pod Klikovkou 1916/2 , 15000 Praha 5, Smichov
Telephone: +42 02 572 101 22
Fax: +42 02 572 101 24



Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia in Czech Republic 
Balbinova 4/392, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic
Telephone: + 420 222 521 093
Fax: + 420 222 521 108

Embassy of Malaysia in Czech Republic 
Na Zatorce 675/30, 16000 Praha 6 - Bubenec, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 234 706 611
Fax: +420 296 326 192

Honorary Consulate of Malta in Czech Republic 
Mala Stupartska 7, 11000 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 2 24815 377
Fax: +420 2 24 815 379

Honorary Consulate of Mauritius in Prague - Czech Republic 
Brehova Str. 3, 11000 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 /224 /816 346
Fax: +420 /222 325 420

Embassy of Mexico in The Prague 7, Czech Republic 
Nad Kazankou 8, Troja 171 00
Telephone: +420 283 061 530
Fax: +420 266 550 477

Embassy of Mongolia in Czech Republic 
Velvyslanectvi Mongolska,, Na Marne 5,Praha-6, 160000
Telephone: +420 2 24311198
Fax: +420 2 24314827

Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Czech Republic 
Ke Starembu Bubenci 4, 16000 Prague 6
Telephone: +420 233320267
Fax: +420 233322634


Honorary Consulate of Nepal in Czech Republic 
Jinho Franka 1714, , 25601 Bemesov IU,
Telephone: 0042 0 6042 96285
Fax: +420 272 705 710

Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Prague 
Gotthardska 6/27, 160 00 Praha 6, Bubenec, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 233 015 200
Fax: +420 233 015 254

New Zealand Honorary Consul in Prague 
Vaclavske Namesti 11, , 110 00
Telephone: +420 234 784 777
Fax: +420 234 784 445

Honorary Consulate of Nicaragua 
Ve Smeckach 33, 11000 Prague 1
Telephone: +420 222210457
Fax: +420 222210457

Royal Norwegian Embassy in Prague 
Hellichova 1/458, 118 00
Telephone: +420 257 323 737
Fax: +420 257 326 827




Embassy of Pakistan in Czech Republic 
U pate Baterie 7/761,, Stresovice, 16200
Telephone: +420 233 312 868
Fax: +420 233 312 885

Embassy of Palestine Czech Republic 
P.O. Box 306 / 11121
Telephone: 4202 24311265
Fax: 4202 24311133

Panama Consulate in Czech Republic 
Korunní 63, Zip code 12000
Telephone: +420 22 4251411
Fax: +420 22 2520081

Embassy of the Republic of Peru in Czech Republic 
Muchova 9, Prague 16000
Telephone: +420 224318810
Fax: +420 224314749

Embassy of the Philippines in Czech Republic 
Senovazne Namesti 8, 11000 Prague 1
Telephone: +420 2 2421 6397
Fax: +420 2 2421 6390

Embassy of Poland in Czech Republic 
Valdstejnska 8, 118 01 Prague 1
Telephone: +420 257 099 500
Fax: +420 257 099 500

Embassy of Portugal in Czech Republic 
Námestí Kinskych, 7 - 2º 150 00
Telephone: +420 257 311 230
Fax: +420 257 311 234




Embassy of Romania in Czech Republic 
Nerudova 5,, 118 00, Praha 1
Telephone: +420 25 7534210
Fax: +420 25 7531017

Embassy of Russia in Czech Republic 
nam. Pod Kastany 1, Praha 6 - Bubenec
Telephone: +420 233 37 4100
Fax: +420 233 37 7235



Saudi Arabia Embassy , Czech Republic 
Korunovacni 622/35, Bubenec, Prague 6 , post code : 160 00
Telephone: +420 257 316 606
Fax: +420 257 316 593

Honorary Consulate of Senegal in Czech Republic 
Ve struhach 27 160 00 Prague 6, Prague
Telephone: +420 220 18 82 09
Fax: +420 220 18 82 09

Serbian Embassy in Praha, Czech Republic 
Mostecka 15, 11800
Telephone: +420 25 7532075
Fax: +420 25 7533948

Honorary Consulate of Syechelles in Praha, Czech Republic 
V `áreckémúdolí 466/10, 160 00 Praha 6
Telephone: +[420 246 058 058

General Consulate of Singapore in Czech Republic 
Na Prikope 23, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 2 2196 7208
Fax: +420 2 2196 7209

Embassy of Slovakia in Praha, Czech Republic 
Pod Hradbami 1 16000
Telephone: +420 23 3113051
Fax: +420 23 3113054

Embassy of Slovenia in Czech Republic 
Pod Hradbami 15 16041
Telephone: +420 23 3081211
Fax: +420 22 4314106

South Africa Consulate , Czech Republic 
65 Ruska Street, Vrsovice , PO Box 133 , 10000
Telephone: +420 2 67311114
Fax: +420 2 67311395

Embassy of the Republic of South Korea in Prague 
Bubenec, Slavickova 5, 16000 Prague 6, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 2 3409 0411
Fax: +420 2 3409 0450

Spanish Embassy in Czech Republic 
Badeniho, 4, Praga 7- 17000, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 224 311 222 
Fax: 233 341 770/233 340 813

Honorary Consulate of Sri Lanka 
Janského 2257, 15500 Prague 5, Czech Republic
Fax: +420 251613234

Embassy of Sudan in czech republic 
Malostranske Nabrezi no. 1 110 00 Praha
Telephone: +422 536 547

Embassy of Sweden, Prague 
Uvoz 13, Prag 1, Postal Address: P.O. Box 35, CZ-160 12 Praha 612, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 220 313 200
Fax: +420 220 313 240

Embassy of Switzerland in Czech Republic 
Pevnostn 7
Telephone: +420 22 0400611
Fax: +420 22 4311312

Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic 
Pod Kastany 16, 16000 Prague 6, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 224310952
Fax: +420 224317911


Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Czech Republic 
Evropska 33C, 16000 Prague 6 , Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 23332 0606
Fax: +420 23332 6906

Embassy of Thailand in Czeck Republic 
Royal Thai Embassy, Romaina Rollanda 3/481, 160 00 Prague 6 - Bubence
Telephone: +420 2 2057 1435
Fax: +420 2 2057 0049

Embassy of Tunisia in Czech Republic 
Nad Kostelem 8
Telephone: +420 24 4460652
Fax: +420 24 4460825


Embassy of Ukraine in Praha, Czech Republic 
Charlese de Gaulla 29
Telephone: +420 23 3342000
Fax: +420 23 3344366

British Embassy in Czech Republic 
Thunovska 14 , Political, Defence Section, 118 00 Prague 1 , Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 257 40 2111
Fax: +420 257 40 2296

Embassy of the United States in Czech Republic 
Trziste 15, 118 01 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 257 022 000
Fax: +420 257 022 809

Embassy of Uruguay in the Czech Republic 
Muchova 9 160 00, Prague 6, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 224 314 755
Fax: +420 243 13 780


Embassy of Venezuela in Czech Republic 
House of Commons 9 110 00 , Praha, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 257 534 256
Fax: +420 257 534 257

Embassy of Vietnam in Czech Republic 
Plzenska 214 / 2578, CZ-15000 Prague 5, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 257 211 540
Fax: +420 257 211 792






Embassy of Yemen in Czech Republic 
Pod Hradbami 5, 160 00 Praha 6, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 233331568
Fax: +420 233332204



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