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 Study in Hungary
ABOUT Hungary

STUDY IN Hungary - Educational System IN HUNGARY


Institution Types and Credentials    |    Structure of Education System

Admissions to Higher Education    |    Grading System


Institution Types and Credentials


Types of higher education institutions:

  • Egyetem (University)
  • Foiskola (College)

School leaving and higher education credentials:

  • Erettségi Bizonyítvány
  • Foiskolai Oklevél
  • Egyetemi Oklevél
  • Sszakirányú Továbbképzési Oklevél
  • Doctori Oklevél



Structure of Education System


Pre-higher education

Duration of compulsory education:

Age of entry: 6
Age of exit: 18

Structure of school system:

Basic First Stage

Type of school providing this education: Általános iskola (Elementary School)
Length of program in years: 4
Age level from: 6 to: 10

Basic Second Stage

Type of school providing this education: Általános iskola
Length of program in years: 4
Age level from: 10 to: 14


Type of school providing this education: Gimnázium (Four-Year (Regular) General Secondary School
Length of program in years: 4
Age level from: 14 to: 18
Certificate/diploma awarded: Erettségi Bizonyítvány/Secondary School Leaving Certificate

General Secondary

Type of school providing this education: Gimnázium
Length of program in years: 8
Age level from: 10 to: 18
Certificate/diploma awarded: Érettségi Bizonyítvány/Secondary School Leaving Certificate

General Secondary

Type of school providing this education: Gimnázium
Length of program in years: 6
Age level from: 12 to: 18
Certificate/diploma awarded: Érettségi Bizonyítvány/Secondary School Leaving Certificate

Vocational Secondary

Type of school providing this education: Szakkozepiskola (Vocational Secondary School, type 1)
Length of program in years: 4
Age level from: 14 to: 18
Certificate/diploma awarded: Érettségi Bizonyítvány after finishing the 4th year and Higher Level Vocational Qualification after completing the vocational training


Type of school providing this education: Szakiskola 4-year Vocational School
Length of program in years: 3
Age level from: 14 to: 17
Certificate/diploma awarded: Lower Level Vocational Qualification


School Education

Basic education lasts for eight years divided into two stages of four years each. Secondary education is provided in comprehensive/academic secondary schools (gimnázium) or vocational secondary schools (szakközépiiskola). Schools often offer more than one programme (e.g. academic and vocational, academic four- or six-year courses). The typical institutions offering general education and an Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate are known as comprehensive/academic secondary schools (gimnázium) and may be attended for four, five (e.g. bilingual secondary schools), six or eight years. Secondary vocational schools (szakközépiskola) and vocational schools (szakiskola) train in the fields of humanities, technical, agricultural sciences and services. Secondary vocational schools provide general education in the first four years and award the Secondary School Leaving Certificates. Vocational education generally begins after the fourth year, although some introductory vocational subjects may be taught during the first four years as well. Length of vocational courses may vary from one to three years up to vocational programmes. Vocational schools do not award secondary school leaving certificates and the level of the vocational qualification is lower than that in the vocational secondary schools.

Higher Education

Hungarian higher education has a dual system with colleges and universities. Some colleges are associated with universities and operate as college faculties of the universities. A university can also offer college level courses. The duration of training at college level is minimum 3 years, maximum 4 years; the duration of education at university level is minimum 4 years, maximum 5 years (with the exception of medical universities where it is 6 years). According to the binary pattern, colleges and universities grant Föiskolai Oklevél (college level degree) and universities grant Egyetemi Oklevél (university level degree). Universities organize three-year PhD courses, specialized further education courses (with a normal duration of two years) and various continuous education courses. The Act LXXX of 1993 on Higher Education established two institutions to provide professional advice on the development and control of higher education: the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (HAC) and the Higher Education and Scientific Council (HESC). On 1 June 1999, Parliament passed Act LII of 1999 on Restructuring the Institutions of Higher Education and amended Act LXXX of 1993 on Higher Education. By passing the above law the number of state run universities and colleges decreased significantly. The number of higher education institutions was 89 (55 run by the State, 28 by Churches and 6 by foundations). At present, the new network of higher education institutions consists of 17 state universities, 1 non-state university, 13 colleges, 26 Church universities and colleges and 9 colleges run by foundations.

Academic Year

  • Classes from: September to: June
  • Long vacation from: July to: August

Languages of instruction: Hungarian

Stages of studies

Non-university level post-secondary studies (technical/vocational type):

Non-university level

Since September 1, 1996, a new form of higher learning has been introduced : accredited higher vocational training (akkreditált iskolai rendszerü felsöfokú szakképzés). It is integrated into the system of higher education. This short-cycle post-secondary course is not a degree course. The graduates obtain a vocational certificate (bizonyítvány). The 2-year programmes are offered mainly by colleges (sometimes by universities) and in many cases in collaboration with secondary vocational schools.Higher, more practice-oriented education is offered in non-university higher education institutions (foiskola). Courses last for three or four years and graduates obtain a College Degree (Foiskolai Oklevél). This qualification - which may also be called "Bachelor" - entitles holders to practise a profession or to continue higher education studies and obtain the Szakosító Oklevél (Post-college Specialization Degree) in one to two years or in some cases the Egyetemi Oklevél (University Degree). Universities may also offer college level courses.

University level studies

Higher education at university level generally consists of a course, usually four to six years in duration, which confers, after the defence of a thesis and successful completion of the final examination, the higher education qualification of Oklevél/Egyetemi Oklevél (University Degree). This qualification - which may also be called "Master's"- entitles holders to practise a profession or to continue higher education studies and obtain a Szakirányú Továbbképzési Oklevél (Post-university Specialization degree) in one to three years or to pursue doctoral studies.

University level second stage: University studies

The Szakirányú Továbbképzési Oklevél (Further Specialization Degree) may be obtained after the Föiskolai Oklevél (College Degree) or Egyetemi Oklevél (University Degree) after following a programme of one to two years.

University level third stage: Postgraduate studies: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph D), Doctor of Liberal Arts (DLA):

Doctoral studies are another type of postgraduate studies. This stage of higher education leads to the degrees of Doktor or Mester three years after the Oklevél/ Egyetemi Oklevél. The Doktor and Mester are awarded by a Committee of the University after not less than three years' research following upon the Oklevél/Egyetemi Oklevél and the submission of a thesis/dissertation and an oral examination which includes foreign languages. The new Hungarian Doctorate (Doctor of Philosophy and, in the case of Arts universities, the Doctor of Liberal Arts degree) corresponds to what is known and recognized internationally as a PhD.

Teacher Education:

Training of pre-primary and primary/basic school teachers

Kindergarten and primary school teachers are trained at college level in teacher training colleges (foiskola) for three years (kindergarten teachers) and for four years (basic school teachers). Second cycle primary school teachers follow a four-year course at a college of education and specialize in two subjects. According to the 1996 Amendment of the Public Education Act, a college or university qualification is needed to teach academic subjects or a special field of the National Core Curriculum in elementary education.

Training of secondary school teachers

Secondary school teachers are trained in four or five years in universities and specialize in one or two subjects.

Training of higher education teachers

According to the Higher Education Act, only those with a university degree may work as teachers or lecturers in higher education institutions. The Higher Education Teaching Qualification may only be obtained after four or five years of university study.


National Bodies


Administration & co-ordination:

Responsible authorities:

Ministry of Education

Szalay utca 10-14
1055 Budapest

Tel: +36(1) 473-7333 +36(1) 473-7332
Fax: +36(1) 269-2437

Hungarian Rectors' Conference

Ajtósi Dürer sor 19-21
1146 Budapest

Tel: +36(1) 344-0310
Fax: +36(1) 251-3003

Hungarian Accreditation Committee (HAC) (Magyar Akkreditációs Bizottság)

House of Professors, Ajtósi Dürer sor 19-21
1146 Budapest

Tel: +36(1) 344-0314
Fax: +36(1) 344-0313



Admissions to Higher Education


Admission to non university higher education studies

Name of secondary school credential required: Erettségi Bizonyítvány

For entry to: Accredited higher vocational education

Numerus clausus/restrictions:

Restrictions in some cases, depending on available places

Admission to university-level studies

Name of secondary school credential required: Erettségi Bizonyítvány

For entry to: all colleges, university colleges and university colleges

Alternatives to credentials: no

Numerus clausus/restrictions: Restrictions in some cases depending on places available

Foreign students admission

Definition of foreign student: Students who are not Hungarian nationals and have not settled in Hungary

Admission requirements: Foreign students must hold a Secondary School Leaving Certificate (issued after the completion of 12 years of study or eleven years if primary and secondary education comprise eleven years in that particular country and entitles its holder to apply for admission to an institution of higher education in the given country) or its equivalent. Students are admitted to higher education institutions on the basis of an entrance examination.

Health requirements: For some courses yes

Language requirements: Knowledge of the Hungarian language is a requirement in courses conducted in Hungarian. Hungarian higher education institutions also offer higher education programmes in foreign languages. In this case the knowledge of the given language is a prerequisite.



Grading System


Usual grading system in secondary school

Full Description:

  • 5: jeles (excellent);
  • 4: jó (good);
  • 3: közepes (fair);
  • 2: elégséges (satisfactory);
  • 1: elégtelen (unsatisfactory).

Highest on scale: 5

Pass/fail level: 2/1

Lowest on scale: 1

Main grading system used by higher education institutions

Examinations are graded according to the commonly used system:

  • 5: jeles (excellent)
  • 4: jó (good)
  • 3: közepes (fair)
  • 2: elégséges (satisfactory)
  • 1: elégtelen (unsatisfactory)

Highest on scale: 5

Pass/fail level: 2/1

Lowest on scale: 1

Other main grading systems:

For the defence of a thesis a point system or the Latin system (summa cum laude, cum laude, rite) are used.


List of Universities and COLLEGES in HUNGARY

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